The World’s #1 All-In-One Email Newsletter Service, Online Shopping Cart, Auto-Responder, Contact Database, & Online Business Management System ...
You’re About To Discover The Easiest & Fastest System For Growing a Massive Email List, Sending Out Fun, Colorful Newsletters, & Generating Online Sales of Your Products & Services – Starting Right Now…
“You Can Set Up Your Very Own Online Store-Front, Send Out Your Own Professional Looking Newsletters, Have People Buy Your Products & Services Over The Internet, Promote Your Own Teleseminars & Webinars, And Have Your Very Own Online Business -
Even If You Don’t Have A Website Yet…”
(Click the Play button and turn up your speakers)

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Christian Mickelsen
Our advantages
Complete Shopping Cart
Complete Shopping Cart instantly connects to your internet Merchant Account and starts taking orders in minutes!
Multiple Autoresponders
Multiple Autoresponders effortlessly follow up sales and leads, manage your mailing lists, and build repeat customers.
Pro Package
Pro Package includes Affiliate Tracking plus highly profitable eBook downloads with the new Digital Delivery Wizard.
Take advantage of the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective way to increase your website sales...
Get a 4-week test drive for $3.95!
Why choose us
Here are 3 powerful keys to growing your business…
#1: Stay in touch with your prospective customers on a regular basis.
Having your own professional looking email newsletter is the most effective way of keeping in touch with your audience, winning their trust, and getting them to want to do business with you.
These days everyone has their own newsletters.
#1: Stay in touch with your prospective customers on a regular basis.
Having your own professional looking email newsletter is the most effective way of keeping in touch with your audience, winning their trust, and getting them to want to do business with you.
These days everyone has their own newsletters.
#2: Keep your systems simple.
Computers and the Internet are great tools that lower the cost of doing business. Remember the old days when you had to hire people to do the work that computers do easily? The same is true with taking orders, running sales reports and keeping in touch with customers. The right tools can make your job very easy!
#3: Keep your costs low.
The old saying goes “You have to spend money to make money.” But that doesn’t mean you have to pay more than you need to. Unfortunately, some people who are just starting out and building their businesses are buying two or three good services because they don’t know that one service can do the work of all three services! Don’t fall in to the trap of paying for three services when one service can do it all for you – and do it better!
Are You Making This Fatal Mistake???
As a newcomer to the world of online businesses, you might be confused – or even misled – by companies that want to sell you a different service for each and every marketing function you have.
We’ll, I’m here to tell you that starting a business online and collecting credit card orders and staying in touch with your customers doesn’t have to be hard.
We’ll, I’m here to tell you that starting a business online and collecting credit card orders and staying in touch with your customers doesn’t have to be hard.
I Didn’t Think I Needed A Shopping Cart Until I Got Bigger.But I Was Wrong.
- I was an in-demand public speaker. I’d speak all over the world. From Beijing, to Budapest to Boston – and all across the US and Canada. I really had a business that operated in the real world and I didn’t make sales online. But I used the Internet to send out newsletters and to manage my list of subscribers. So I bought one product for about $25 a month.
- Then the gurus told me that people don’t buy the first time they visit your website, so you have to stay in touch with them on a regular basis with marketing messages that urge people to buy. So I bought another product for about $25 a month.
- Then I found that people wanted to buy my books and CDs and training materials after they heard me speak. So I needed to find a way to accept credit card online. So I bought a shopping cart for about $50 a month.
- Those were all good steps – and you might have done the same thing.
- Then I made a surprising discovery:
- I was spending so much time managing lists and databases, that I wasn’t running my business or doing all the fun things I like to do. I was sorting databases from three different systems instead of creating new products or helping my clients.
- Then I discovered that my shopping cart could do the work of all the other products! It could send out my newsletters and it could send out automated sales messages. But I found out that I could do all this and just pay one low fee, not three!
- So I did three things:
- I put all the info into my shopping cart
- I cancelled the other services
- I “bought” the company! No really, I signed up to be a “private license reseller” which means I can promote and sell this shopping cart and earn commissions when people buy. How’s that for being honest?
Now You Can Get One Service That Does The Work Of Three Services!
- My Easy Online Store is the solution you’ve been looking for to:
- Build your list of opted-in subscribers, eager to receive regular, fresh content from you
- Process registrations for your teleseminars and webinars, without hassle
- Create colorful newsletters that build your brand and help you get new business
- Send out auto-response messages whenever someone buys a product or joins jour list
- Take orders through the Internet simply and easily
- Create products and send them digitally to new buyers automatically
If you are afraid of learning a new program or setting up a new service, don’t worry. My Easy Online Store is very easy to use.

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Linda Claire
Many business owners who are new to the Internet are paralyzed by fear of making the wrong choice of how take money online. Now you don’t have to worry because you’ll have the best shopping cart system working for you.
Make PayPal More Effective!
- If you are using PayPal to make sales now, congratulations! That’s a fine choice for getting started. But the business of business is to make repeat sales. PayPal can’t do that. With the automated messaging system (called auto-responders or A/R) built into My Easy Online Store, you can send reminder notices, sales notices, discount offers, restocking notices and anything else you can think of to your customers and to your prospects – all automated.
- Here’s how it works:
- You write simple sales messages – maybe just a line or two stating your offer
- You tell My Easy Online Store when you want to send the message, for example, every 7 days
- The system does the rest!
Your customers will find your messages in their email boxes. If you have 100 customers or 1,000 customers, it won’t take you any more time than if you have 1 customer! Plus, My Easy Online Store will work with PayPal as your payment processor. So you can continue to use Pay Pal to make sales and you can use My Easy Online Store to follow up with customers to make MORE sales!
Choose your best package
Auto Responder
$34 /monthly*
$349 /annually
Features Starter:
- Secure HTTPS/SSL Shopping Cart certified by Verisign
- Secure admin access
- No programming skills required
- No software to install
- Easily integrates into your existing website
$39 /monthly*
$399 /annually
Features Starter:
- Secure Shopping Cart / SSL Certified by Verisign.
- Secure Integrates Into Your Site Easily; No CGI, Perl, etc.
- Manage Your Account Use Any Web Browser
- Email Receipt For Each Order; Customer, You, and 3rd Party
$69 /monthly*
$699 /annually
Features Pro:
- Secure Shopping Cart / SSL Certified by Verisign.
- Secure Integrates Into Your Site Easily; No CGI, Perl, etc.
- Manage Your Account Use Any Web Browser
- Email Receipt For Each Order; Customer, You, and 3rd Party
$129 /monthly*
$1299 /annually
Features Pro:
- Secure Shopping Cart / SSL Certified by Verisign.
- Secure Integrates Into Your Site Easily; No CGI, Perl, etc.
- Manage Your Account Use Any Web Browser
- Email Receipt For Each Order; Customer, You, and 3rd Party
Whether you choose our ultimate Pro Package, the feature rich Basic Package, or the value added Starter Package, you can rest assured with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee that you will be choosing the fastest, easiest and most economical way to dramatically increase your sales and profits.
Now You Can Look As Big As A "Big Company" And Here’s Why That’s Important
On the Internet, no one knows if you are really a credible company or a con artist. Having the world’s best shopping cart goes a long way to showing your customers that you care enough about them to offer them the very best shopping cart, with built-in security and fraud protection. When you align yourself with the best in the business, people see you as being a brand leader and a company they can comfortably do business with.
If you use some other entry-level shopping cart, people don’t really know if you are a legitimate business that they can trust, or not. When you use MyEasyOnlineStore, people know they are working with a reliable company.
If you use some other entry-level shopping cart, people don’t really know if you are a legitimate business that they can trust, or not. When you use MyEasyOnlineStore, people know they are working with a reliable company.
Get The Best Security And Protection
- You’ll be fully protected from scam artists who use bad credit cards and other ways of fooling merchants into delivering goods without paying for them. My Easy Online Store has numerous features to protect you from crooks, including:
- Credit card verification
- International fraud alert
- Controls that you can set to make it virtually impossible for scammers to pass along bad credit cards or stolen credit cards

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*** NO RISK RESERVATION FORM ***Fill Out This Instant Shopping Cart Registration
Acceptance Form & Get Started Marketing Now!
Yes! Of course, I want to grow my business and explode my personal income using your shopping cart and marketing system. I understand these automatic selling tools will put my business on auto-pilot so I can have more time to do the things I really love.
Sign me up now and get INSTANT ACCESS upon registration:
100% GUARANTEE: "I understand that if I'm not thoroughly convinced that is the smartest investment I've ever made to increase my online sales and profits I can cancel service with no further obligations or commitments on my part."
Whether you choose our ultimate Pro Package, the feature rich Basic Package, or the value added Starter Package, you can rest assured with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee that you will be choosing the fastest, easiest and most economical way to dramatically increase your sales and profits.